Mon 06 Jan
ThEy ImItAtE ThEy ReCrEaTe ThEyRe FakE IM OrIgInAl Im OffIcIAL I'Ma ViXXeN ReAd My ReViEwS - 21
(n myrtle beach in or out)
♥ Visiting Soon~One Day Only!! ♥ Every Man's Best Kept Secret ♥ Don't Miss out!! - 44
(MB-My safe, discreet incall.)
H O T °o★o°((E xOtiC)) °o★o ° PL a Ym aTe - 21
(Myrtle Beach, myrtle beach/north myrtle/surrounding)
💋💋💋GoNe AlReADy! RE@L BBWDvD MA!N STReAM P-ST@R 62InCh MoN$TeR Azz,💋💋💋 ReAD Ad - 69
(Charleston, GONE ALREADY)
💘 ⛳Golfers Locals n Tourist💋 Come on over. 💎IceEe HoTtTt. so CoOl but OhHhH So HoTtTtT - 35
(Myrtle Beach)
NeW!! *{ * Sinfully Sweet Freaky Treat * } Let's Enjoy Some Fun Times Together!!!,SPECIALS- NeW - 21 - 21
(Columbia, St.Andrews)
*-:¦:- * *-:¦:- * S T E A M Y & D R E A M Y *-:¦:- * *-:¦:- * - 23
(Myrtle Beach, Central Myrtle Beach)
Girls just want to Have Fun, 5'2", 103lbs, 26yrs Hot, Wild and Sexy - 26
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach incall/ all areas out)
Beautiful Lady, 22, with Angelic Face and Devilish Demeanor.IN CALL AVAILABLE FROM 4 PM TO 10 AM - 22
(Myrtle Beach)
Back In Town & Ready To Give U Pure Satisfaction !!!!!! - 23
(Columbia, COLUMBIA,SC (OUTCALLS ONLY!!!!!!!))
$40 qv ♡♡Sexy Abby♡♡ 100% spankable.... Sexy Bbw...💋 - 36
(in call only south myrtle beach, Myrtle Beach)
*Absolutely The Best!* 100% Independent!* Sexy, Beautiful & Discrete* (843) 742-4013* Outcall only* - 31
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach & Surrounding areas)
-:¦:- AVAILABLE NoW-:¦:- CALL ME 843-408-4918 -:¦:- AVAILABLE NoW-:¦:- Lee - 24
(myrtle beach)
40 Early Bird,Specials New in town get it while it Hot....757-408-9110 - 27
(Columbia, In calls Two notch rd)
Sun 05 Jan
~~*~~ Twice the amount of fun, twice the amount of affection, 2 GiRlS, make us your selection ~~*~~ - 28
(Myrtle Beach)
Wednes Special today! 36d's all for you! An Amazing Time, An Amazing Body! - 32
(Myrtle Beach, Grand Strand)
$@¥ ¥€$ The 1 & only Black Barbi at your service!! Nice or Nasty u decide !!!!! Lets play Sumter!! - 21
(Columbia, Sumter /broad st near Sumter mall)
♥♡The Lovely JADE is back & ready to play!♡♥ - 22
(Myrtle Beach, myrtle beach and surrounding areas)
When I'm GOOD. . . . . I'M REALLY GOOD. . . . . When I'm BAD . . . . . . I'M EVEN BETTER! - 22
(myrtle beach)
TWO FOR ONE SPECIAL! There's nothing better than two girls all to yourself! Cinnamon & Spice - 24
(Myrtle Beach)
the BEST EROTIC massages by Jessica- Valentines day special*** - 30
(Myrtle Beach and surrounding areas)
** HoT CoLLeGe BrUneTTe------ ---- ------ KiNdA SluTTy bUt SeXy---- -- ---- BoMbSheLL - 20
(MB Incall)
IcEeE HoTtT.....Ssssshhhhhhhhh KeEp It DiScReEt n the StReEt n. BrInG out the FrEaK n the ShEeTs 🍰 - 35
(Myrtle Beach)
I Am ThE EpItOmE OF SeDuCtIoN I Am YoUr FaNtAsIeS TurNeD FlEsH I'm I'M NeW CoME See ME - 22
(n myrtle beach in or out)
VERY BUSY AGENCY - Companions Earn 8,000k to 10,000k/Week
(Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach)